Our morphin’ jumpin’ jivin’ hiphopin’ furry-creature lovin’ creativeness has done it again, launching yet another lovable, danceable animal animation on YouTube. This one features a pet that may have slipped out of fashion but is definitely back in the spotlilght now – a hamster – let out of his/her(?) cage to invade the screens of fans of Kitty Said What? and I’m a Pug!.
We keep rockin’ and YouTube keeps stockin’ morphin’ movies. Check this one out, fresh for the holidays, garnering hits and generating comments like “I love your videos and so does my bro please make more.”
See more eery, morpheus-spiced and crazytalking seasonal animations at reallusion.com. CrazyTalk allows anyone to create animations from any digital still image. Create a virtual cast of characters to deliver animated vocal performances for video, web, mobile or messaging projects.
Morpheus and Reallusion are working together in a new partnership to introduce their synergistic products to each other’s users.

Meowin’ and scratchin’ its way to the top, “Kitty Said What?” morphin’ cause celèbre continues to make waves on YouTube. Now it’s featured on the home page and has 1,648,403 views (not that we’re counting). The Stray Cats don’t have nuthin’ on Kitty, except Brian Setzer just might play a meaner guitar:>.
Some people have even made “Kitty Said What?” their music ringtone. You can download the Kitty Said What? ringtone at LilTone.com. Note: select “Other” from the dropdown menu to find this and other animania ringtones.
More quirky animating animals, more catchy tunes & good fun from our friends, as we tallies up the hits (625K+ as of this posting) on YouTube with the rockin’ good time of I’m a Pug! Woop – Morphin’ Pugs, a crowd pleasing, morphed-out music video sensation from the wacky land of pets bent on entertaining us video-glazed humans.
This clip has also garnered 11 YouTube Honors: #58 – Most Viewed (This Month) | #2 – Most Viewed (This Month) – Pets & Animals | #3 – Top Rated (This Month) – Pets & Animals | #96 – Most Discussed (This Month) | #3 – Most Discussed (This Month) – Pets & Animals | #83 – Most Discussed (All Time) – Pets & Animals | #18 – Top Favorites (This Month) | #1 – Top Favorites (This Month) – Pets & Animals | #70 – Top Favorites (All Time) – Pets & Animals | #4 – Most Linked (This Month) – Pets & Animals | #33 – Recently Featured – Pets & Animals
In addition, “I’m a Pug” ringtone has become a top ringtone download under the Other category on LilTone.com
Catchy and infectious, our irresistible YouTube phenom "Kitty Said What?" pretty much starts and defines a new genre: pet rap. Having received 12K+ views in a week’s time [UPDATE: 3+ MILLION VIEWS ON YOUTUBE], it’s delivered with inventive uses of morphing, sound sync and humour, and shows how Morpheus can serve as a cool tool in the arsenal of music video production. For kids of all ages. Way to go – definitely keep ‘em coming.
There’s a beautiful, in-depth and inspiring new video on YouTube called Women in Art that morphs between an inspiring series of portraits of women in western art from a Byzantine fresco through Impressionism and Picasso. This video has received over a million user views in about a month since its posting. While we’re not 100% sure it was created using Morpheus, it’s sure looks that way, and we believe it well worth pointing to as yet another excellent use of this technology. There’s a lot of passion, patience and art appreciation in this video, which can easily be said to be a work of art itself. Take a look here.
There’s a little tough guy in all of us, huh? And way before “G” hit MTV, there was the one and only Al C. Yo, don’t forget to pay your taxes, all you heavies out there, ’cause that’s how they got him in the end! Thanks for sending this in, Jmac945.
Thanks Tim for this smooth rendering of alien-ation. Scully & Mulder would be proud.
Thanks to frequent Morpheus collaborator (& Flash, branding and illustration wiz) Timothy Corrigan for this send up of American Idol.
Thanks to Morpheus user queenb****3769 (are there that many?) for sending this one in. Interestingly enough, there is actually some gothic architecture here – in the romantic moonlit backdrop, complete with tiny bats (of course) – before she dons her high heels and beams down to the red underworld hotel.
Morpheus user and YouTube member thomastittle sent us a nice note pointing to his brilliant, remarkable and – yes – enchanting animation of “Alyssa.” You can view the video here. Complete with soundtrack, this is a cinematic, compelling, cleverly-paced use of Morpheus to tell the story of a child’s growth. It exudes all the love of a caring parent, and practically creates a new medium – the photo album of the future. Thanks thomastittle!
It’s nice when a short animation can portray a small action inside the morph, adding motion and narrative to the mix. This submission does that with style, going from the photographic to the cartoon world and sending the viewer a kiss in the process.
Like a doll come to life in a Stephen King story, or an instantaneous snapshot across the room at the merry prankster’s midnight party, you see her eyes move toward you as she perceives your gaze and the color shift while all else remains the same. Killer concept and execution on this strobe effect morph. We like the butterflies and the sig too.
This morphin’ machine will take larrys and other intimidating mugs and turn ‘em into indestructible armor plated robots that run amok in all the playgrounds of the nation. Also useful for creating garden sculptures to keep the crows out & scare the neighbors…
Pretty self-explanatory – of course it helps if you look a whole lot like the star to begin with. Unlike Being John Malkovich, where you could only be Malkovich, with Morpheus you can be(come) anyone…
Love the action on the ears! There is a certain family resemblance… Very nicely done, great dynamic feel to this morph. It also helps clear up that age-old question: “Can red pandas touch their tongue to their nose?”
We think that everyone has a rock star inside of them, just waiting break out of the obscurity of the day job. Sometimes all it requires is just the right pair of glasses, or a killer animation idea.
This dynamic mother daughter duo created a home-made “bluescreen” – an animation technique from way back – using a sheet to set up a neutral background shared by both shots. Way to go!