Morpheus Software Launches Social Networking Site inc. Upload to YouTube, PhotoBucket, Facebook, MySpace, Blogger
A new version of all Morpheus software titles has been released with social networking features. Now you can upload your animations seamlessly from Morpheus programs to YouTube, PhotoBucket, Facebook, MySpace, Blogger, and other great web destinations.

Download the new version of Morpheus Photo Morpher at:
Download the new version of Morpheus Photo Animation Suite at:
Or visit the Morpheus homepage at:
Once you download the new version, under either program’s Share menu, select “Upload your morph to a website” and check out the new social networking features. From there, if you choose to upload to Morpheus Galleries, we’ll host your animations online for you for free where users will be able to view your creations, add their comments, rate them from 1 to 5 stars, and more. You can also view other users’ animations. Morpheus Galleries is similar to YouTube, except it is specifically focused on photo and video animations. Once your animations are uploaded, you can easily post them on countless social networking sites, into instant message windows, email messages, on your blog, and so on, all with just a mouse click.